Affordable, Reliable and Very Accurate !
Certified Polygraph Examinations
Since 1994
Over 20 years of Polygraph Examination Experience
Many more than 7000 completed Lie-Detection exams
Expert in all Federal lie-detection techniques
Is Your Spouse a Cheat...?
Available at your location or at our offices
Los Angeles Polygraph Experts !
Court Appointed Don't wait ! Call us now !
We will travel nationwide to serve you !
Male and Female Certified Polygraph Examiners
Also available, Remote-monitoring by live-video conference; options include videotaping and dual examiners during examination
Multiple examiners to serve you
Test is $195 if about cheating in a relationship
Days, Nights, Weekends & Holidays:
Very Reasonable Rates- Other Examiners charge over $ 500 !
We do NOT charge additional fees for nights or weekends;
We also offer a written report within 48 hours of examination
Voice Stress Analysis (VSA)
If you need service in an area we do not cover, we will provide a Top-Notch referral!